
Concierge Medicine

offered in Little Neck, NY
Concierge Medicine

Concierge Medicine services offered in Little Neck, NY

Did you know that most doctors spend 18 minutes with each patient (on average), and it takes 26 days to schedule a new patient appointment? You can say goodbye to those issues with concierge medicine provided by Michael Hundert, MD, in the Little Neck neighborhood of Queens, New York. Concierge medicine providers offer specific services for a membership fee. Little to no wait time, spending more time during appointments, and getting personalized attention from Dr. Hundert are among the top reasons patients choose concierge care. Book an in-person or telemedicine appointment by calling the New York City office or requesting one online today.

Concierge Medicine Q & A

What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine gives you an option to the way you pay for and receive medical care. When you choose concierge medicine, you pay the provider directly instead of going through health insurance.

This approach involves paying a predetermined fee for a specific group of services. The fees for other health services you may need are fully disclosed, so you never need to worry about a surprise bill with inflated prices.

Though you pay your membership fees and Dr. Hundert doesn’t file insurance claims, you can still submit the bills for additional services (not included in your concierge membership) to your health insurance provider.

What are the benefits of concierge medicine?

In addition to receiving expert medical care without hidden fees, concierge medicine delivers benefits such as:


When you or your physician submit a claim to your health insurance provider, they have open access to all your medical records. Though this is the standard practice, it also means you don’t have privacy.

Freedom to choose your own health care

Insurance companies can approve or decline tests and procedures you may need. With concierge care, you can make the best decision for your health and generally pay lower fees.

Extra time with and unparalleled access to your doctor

All concierge patients receive the following benefits:

  • 24/7 access to Dr. Hundert
  • Extended visits
  • Little to no wait times
  • Same and next-day appointments
  • Wellness benefits
  • One-on-one health coaching

By offering concierge medicine, Dr. Hundert can carry a smaller caseload. As a result, you don’t need to wait weeks for an appointment, and appointments aren’t rushed so he can get to the person in the next exam room. Most importantly, your care is fully personalized.

What services might I receive through concierge medicine?

As an internal medicine specialist, Dr. Hundert offers comprehensive medical care to teens and adults. Your membership fee and/or fees for extra services include the full range of health care, including:

  • Sick visits
  • Annual physicals
  • Health screenings
  • Immunizations
  • Dietary counseling
  • Weight loss management
  • Chronic disease management

Dr. Hundert also has extensive training in geriatric medicine, giving him special expertise in preventive health care and chronic disease management for seniors.  

To learn more about the concierge medicine membership plans offered by Michael Hundert, MD, call the office or use the online booking feature to request a consultation today.